When you purchase a car, you might be tempted to chalk up all vehicle-related costs to fueling and servicing alone, but this is simply not the case. It is extremely important for you to take extra steps to make sure that your car is secure at all times. This is where a vehicle tracking device comes in.
Tracking devices are an important purchase for every car owner. These are the reasons why it is so important to have a tracking device installed in your vehicle:
1.) Tracking devices are a cost effective way to ensure that your vehicle is running smoothly at all times. You can remotely monitor your vehicle’s location from your internet enabled device with minimal cost implications.
2.) They help you optimize routes and avoid heavy traffic areas
3.) They help to protect your car from getting stolen.
4.) In the unlikely event that your car is stolen, it will be found in no time with the help of the tracking device.
5.) Tracking devices help you reduce your car maintenance costs because you can receive alerts on the condition of your car, whether it’s in your care or with a third party.
6.) Increase in operational efficiency.
7.) You spend less money on fuel if you have a tracking device installed in your vehicle.
8.) You can program your tracking device to send you certain alerts when your car is in the care of a third party, such as a driver. You can receive alerts when the person drives too fast, brakes too harshly, and if they drive outside a geofence you set.
9.) Insurance companies charge less on premiums for car owners who have at tracking device installed in their vehicles
10.) It gives you peace of mind, knowing that your car is secure.
The tracking devices which Concept Nova offer are also particularly useful for logistics companies, car rental agencies and other businesses which require fleet management.
If you have a tracking device which is not currently active, whether or not it was installed by Concept Nova in the first place, we can set you up with an active subscription with minimal fuss.
You cannot get all the benefits of a tracking device if it is not active.
Call 08150880054 or send an email to [email protected] today to learn more.
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